As a teenager, Goro began experimenting with various genres such as House, Minimal, and Techno. His main inspiration at the time was Richard "Richie" Hawtin, and his ultimate dream was to perform at a renowned dance festival in Europe. However, electronic music faced disapproval from the conservative local music scene. For Goro, his passion for electronic music became a means of expressing freedom and a defining aspect of his identity. Throughout his journey, Goro discovered that electronic music provided a creative space where he could transform the harsh reality of the outside world into inner peace. Through hypnotic grooves and minimal colorful effects, Goro aims to convey feelings of love, unity, and freedom to his audience. Goro's first public performance took place in 2017 in Utrecht, which quickly brought him recognition within the local dance scene. In the same year, his sets were warmly received by audiences in Amsterdam, Berlin, and Rotterdam. Since then, he has performed at numerous festivals including Dutch Decompression (Burning Man NL) in 2019, the Feel Festival in 2018 and 2019, and The Monastery Festival. His long-cherished dream of performing at a European music festival became a reality, and he also made appearances in Cyprus and Egypt in the Middle East. Goro has achieved several successful collaborations with labels such as Baikal Nomads, MŎNɅDɅ, Hug Records, and RunAfter Records. He has released numerous original tracks and remixes, accumulating a growing number of followers on social media. Goro is actively involved with Obscure and Orientaldeep.